Ein Projekt der Christoph Merian Stiftung. Neuer Kunstraum für zeitgenössische Kunst.




IF ANYONE ANSWERS YES: SCREAM. sarah bernauer+garrett nelson, balz isler, florence jung, dominique koch, jue löffelholz, romy rüegger
Sarah Bernauer & Garett Nelson, Balz Isler, Florence Jung, Dominique Koch, Jue Löffelholz, Romy Rüegger


Oslo10 is an artspace located in the middle of an industrial zone on the outskirts of Basel.

For the exhibition If anyone say no: scream, Florence Jung has asked a medium to stimulate the spirit potential of the place. 

Thus, Oslo10 and its surroundings are loaded with a presence and the spirits are invited to manifest themselves.

Be sensitive

Sarah Bernauer & Garrett Nelson, Dominique Koch, Balz Isler, Florence Jung, Jue Löffelholz, Romy Rüegger

If anyone answers yo: Scream no.

If anyone answers no: Scream o!


 2013 July 5th , 6 pm 

performances by Sarah Bernauer + Garrett Nelson, Balz Isler


Humming Noises from the Nudes Cheescake

by Jue Löffelholz + Marco Papiro